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    时间:2025-01-14 18:39  来源:  作者:landing  浏览:





        本案中,印度公司Chakiat Agencies Pvt. Ltd.(以下简称“Chakiat公司”)是Sea Land Service Inc.的印度子代理,为其处理印度的货运业务。1999年,丹麦A.P.Moller收购了Sea Land Service Inc.,并指定MAERSK作为新代理商。此后,Chakiat公司的代理协议被终止,且Chakiat公司与MAERSK达成协议,将其业务及商誉转让给MAERSK,换取一笔款项。










        马德拉斯高等法院(Madras High Court)最终支持了税务部门的主张,认定该笔款项应归类为业务利润,主要基于以下几点理由:







    1. 明确收益性质:代理终止款项vs.资产转让收益








    2. 合同条款的税务描述








    作者/凌茹琳   审核/叶巧媚


    1 Section 28. Profits and gains of business or profession.--The following income shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head 'Profits and gains of business or profession',--

    (i) ****

    (ii) any compensation or other payment due to or received by,--

    (a) ****

    (b) ****

    (c) any person, by whatever name called, holding an agency in India for any part of the activities relating to the business of any other person, at or in connection with the termination of the agency or the modification of the terms and conditions relating thereto.

    2 Section 45. Capital gains.- (1) Any profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital asset effected in the previous year shall, save as otherwise provided in sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54E, 54EA, 54EB, 54F, 54G and 54H, be chargeable to income-tax under the head "Capital gains", and shall be deemed to be the income of the previous year in which the transfer took place.

    (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the profits or gains arising from the transfer by way of conversion by the owner of a capital asset into, or its treatment by him as stock-in-trade of a business carried on by him shall be chargeable to income-tax as his income of the previous year in which such stock-in-trade is sold or otherwise transferred by him and, for the purposes of section 48, the fair market value of the asset on the date of such conversion or treatment shall be deemed to be the full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer of the capital asset.

    (2A) Where any person has had at any time during the previous year any beneficial interest in any securities, then, any profits or gains arising from transfer made by the depository or participant of such beneficial interest in respect of securities shall be chargeable to income-tax as the income of the beneficial owner of the previous year in which such transfer took place and shall not be regarded as income of the depository who is deemed to be the registered owner of securities by virtue of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Depositories Act, 1996, and for the purposes of--

    (i) section 48 ; and

    (ii) the proviso to clause (42A) of section 2, the cost of acquisition and the period of holding of any securities shall be determined on the basis of the first-in-first-out method.

    Explanation.--For the purposes of this sub-section, the expressions "beneficial owner", "depository" and "security" shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in clauses (a), (e) and (l) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Depositories Act, 1996.

    (4) The profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital asset by way of distribution of capital assets on the dissolution of a firm or other association of persons or body of individuals (not being a company or a co-operative society) or otherwise, shall be chargeable to tax as the income of the firm, association or body, of the previous year in which the said transfer takes place and, for the purposes of section 48, the fair market value of the asset on the date of such transfer shall be deemed to be the full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer.

    (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the difference between the repurchase price of the units referred to in sub-section (2) of section 80CCB and the capital value of such units shall be deemed to be the capital gains arising to the assessee in the previous year in which such repurchase takes place or the plant referred to in that section is terminated and shall be taxed accordingly.

    Explanation.--For the purposes of this sub-section, "capital value of such

    units" means any amount invested by the assessee in the units referred to in sub-section (2) of section 80CCB



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